Friday 15 February 2013

Care For Those In Need

So the task of the day was to watch the news and pray for someone or something on it. The kids and I had it all planned- we would watch the news when they finished school. That was until I spent nine hours (from 12.15 until 21.30) in A&E with my husband,  who had a possible G.I bleed.
We were tired, frustrated and bored. After a while I started to take in what was going on around us- the department was exceptionally busy, worse than we've experienced before. The staff were trying so hard to be positive and reassure us when they were obviously tired and stressed. There was a diverse group of patients passing through- some lingering a long time like us but others, obviously very sick, moving through a lot quicker.
I began to pray for all these strangers- staff, patients and relatives using the words from the Healing and Wholeness liturgy:
"May God bring you wholeness of body, mind and spirit"

Micah 6:8
What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

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