Thursday 21 February 2013

Curiouser and Curiouser

Interesting discussions were had as a result of today's task to be more curious.
The children's copy of LLLL suggested they find out the answer to a question they had. Turns out my children only have big questions.  Faith wanted to know why we're alive and who/what caused the big bang. Jacob wanted to know why we live again and why there are so many countries and languages.
My encouragement to google it fell on stony faces- they wanted answers from mummy! I got away with a couple of "because God wants it that way" answers, and they seemed reasonably happy with my explanation of nomadic tribes discovering farming then getting cross with each other and finding their own bit of land. There was also a curious discussion about language and slang.
For my own curiosity I brought together a few thoughts I'd been having recently and looked into the history of deaconesses and notable Victorian feminists. Really.

Luke 11:9

Seek and you will find

(Obvious- I know!)

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