Friday, 11 April 2014

Be aware of others

I very often go around in a little bubble when I'm out and about. I'm pretty task focused so making the effort to take in the people around me today was really good for me.
I decided I wanted to (mostly) pray for people I didn't know- random strangers in the supermarket, those serving me in shops and also someone I know but wouldn't usually think about praying for.
Thinking about the people you encounter casually, who you know nothing about, helps you to see them as more than a passing stranger. You remember them,  you hope they had an ok day and you hope they're not going through difficult things in their lives.
Praying for them not knowing their circumstances can be tricky so I usually use a prayer which goes along the lines of:
"Father God, I thank you for this person and I pray that they may have wholeness of body, mind and spirit, and that they feel an awareness of your love at work in their lives. Amen."

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