Monday, 23 February 2015

Be More Creative

This is possibly the LLLL day I look forward to most- permission to be creative! I love making stuff and with such a hectic life there's not much space for it.
One of my favourite things to do (to help me relax) is colouring in. Seriously. And I'd recommend it! It doesn't require skill or concentration but it can be a form of meditation. I'm a big fan Mary Fleeson and the Lindisfarne Scriptorium and it was my intention to colour one of her meditations, but I let my daughter choose what we coloured and for me she chose a fantastic picture with grape vines and deer which form a wonderful metaphor for creation.
Colouring in, because it doesn't require much concentration, allows you to create something but your mind can be focused elsewhere; maybe reflecting, contemplating or praying. Try might like it!

Isaiah 44.24
Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer,
   who formed you in the womb:
I am the Lord, who made all things,
   who alone stretched out the heavens,
   who by myself spread out the earth;

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