Saturday 3 December 2016

Advent word - play

Not much chance of "play" for me today as I was back in work after six days off, but that got me thinking. I love my job even though it's jolly hard work- and you need a sense of humour to work in healthcare! As a team we have to pull together to support each other and there is often a playfulness in how we interact; this was very much the case yesterday. We laugh, we joke and we take the piss out of each other. Knowing we have each other's backs is really important, as is getting a smile out of a colleague and friend on a tough day.

Our Society's rule states that “as our faith matures we come to recognize Christ’s hidden presence everywhere.” That’s because a maturing faith is paradoxically childlike. It is marked by openness to new ideas, points of view, and experiences, all of which enable us to see again our God, who knows neither time, nor place, nor limitation.

-Br. John Braugh

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