Saturday 11 March 2017

Day 10

Today's short reflection comes from Patty Fox herself, I don't feel I need to add to this today:

"Fresh sap has a certain enigmatic character to it, sterile yet vibrant with a hint of mysticism. Its crystal clarity gives it this sense of eternalness... and it can be deceiving how ephemeral in fact it really is. At room temperature, it lasts only around 48 hours. It can be frozen but in the past when this was not an option, the way of letting it live beyond its season was, like with many raw materials, through transformation."


Rather than quote an established mystic today I have chosen to post this commentary, along with my own  thoughts, on sap. Lisanne and I spent two hours Saturday afternoon helping a team of people collect sap from tapped maple trees. It's been so cold that the sap has not been flowing but yesterday temperatures reached over 40 so it was a perfect day for collecting.

I like how the author of this quote from says "the way of letting [the sap] live beyond its season" is "through transformation".  It reminds me that in order to survive - thrive - live, more often than not, change of one sort or another is necessary.  And change requires effort. Trudging through snow carrying Home Depot-like buckets of sap is exhausting. And beyond the collecting it must go through a lengthy process of being cooked down before becoming maple syrup. Like most transformations, that of turning sap into something sweet requires tremendous work.

A suggestion for your prayer and meditation:

Consider any life changes you may be facing be they relational, spiritual, vocational or something else. Cup your hands together and imagine that you hold that experience in your hands. How heavy does it weigh? What color and shape would you give it if you could?  Are the contours of it smooth or sharp?  Do you feel like you hold it alone or are their other hands beneath yours helping you manage it?

Bring your hands to your heart, and taking a deep cleansing breath, whisper these words "may I walk carefully as I carry this treasure.  May I endure all that it requires of me, and may the resulting transformation be shaped and blessed by God.  Amen "
Pastor Patty Fox 40 days with 40 Christian mystics

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