Saturday 17 February 2018

Celtic Lent Day 4

The secrets in God
There is a place in God himself, into which no-one can enter but that one person alone. From that room, from that unique place inside, the individual has to bring revelation and strength for others. This is what that person in particular was made for: to reveal secret things that are from the father.
Every one of us is something that the other is not, and therefore knows something- maybe without knowing that they know it- which no one else knows: and it is everyone's task, as one of the kingdom of light and an inheritor of it all, yo give their portion to the rest.
George MacDonald

I think the most important thing I learned during my years training to be a priest (and this is an on going revelation) is that God has called me as me, just as I am. I would see other people with gifts or a way about them I wished to possess and I thought something magical would happen during training, that I would become holy. It didn't, because I'm not. That's not my gift, nor what God wants from me. My gift isn't holiness, although it might be someone else's. I'm called to be Fi because no one else can be. By answering God's call I'm not someone special as we're all called to something and the trick is to try and figure out what. You can start by knowing, by believing, that you are called to be 100% you.

Keep your tongue from evil,
   and your lips from speaking deceit.
Depart from evil, and do good;
   seek peace, and pursue it.
Psalm 34.13-14

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