Wednesday 14 February 2018

Celtic Lent Day 1

After last year's mystical Lent, this year I'm having a Celtic Lent, using the Northumbria Communities Daily Prayer Book Two. I'll be working from the Eata series, using the readings and reflections for May (Contemplative Awareness) and July (Reflecting Celtic Thought).
Alongside this I'm using the Lent prayers from the Lindisfarne Scriptorium.
Today's meditation reflects upon what we can learn from a monastic way of life:

Pray constantly, in order to have a pure heart, in order to see God everywhere, in order to pray constantly...may we have eyes to see and hearts to respond to Christ's presence in the here and now
Christopher Jamison

Today being Valentine's Day as well as Ash Wednesday feels rather odd but both ultimately celebrate love. It's out of love that we have this day set aside where we're reminded that our days are limited as an encouragement to use the time we've been given wisely. In the words of Gandalf the Grey, all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. Becoming more present to the here and now helps us the discern how to do this. Where are we being called to? What work have we been given to do? Who has been sent to us to love?

Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near.
Philippians 4.5

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