Tuesday 26 December 2017

On the second day of Christmas...Peace on earth, can it be?

As well as being a sucker for a Christmas films I love Christmas music, both sacred and secular. For me the ultimate blending of the two is Bing and Bowie- two of my heroes. You can watch it here:

Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth

There's a wonderful hope and innocence to it and with those two iconic voices it creates Christmas magic.
It's a prayer for peace, goodwill, a fulfilment of God's promises and a wish for our children to have hope for the future. There's also the sense of having nothing but ourselves to offer up to God.

I have so much Christmas music and so many playlists that I narrowed my faves to a "best Christmas" playlist- REALLY offering myself up to be judged by sharing this!

I got very shirty with anyone today who tried to claim Christmas was over- just day two folks!!

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