Thursday 1 March 2018

Celtic Lent Day 14

It is enormous self-deception to believe that the time of prayer must be different from any other. We are equally bound to be one with God by what we do in times of action as by the time of prayer at its special hour...
It is only necessary to realise that God is intimately present within us, to turn at every moment to him and ask for his help, recognise his will in all things doubtful, and to do well all that which we clearly see he requires of us...In this unbroken communion one is continually preoccupied with praising, worshipping and loving God for his infinite acts of loving-kindness and perfection.
Brother Lawrence

As a Minister in Secular Employment, someone who feels a priestly call to the place and people where I work outside of the Church, it's central to my theology that I believe in whole-life worship; all that we do and all that we are forms part of this continual worship and communion.
All that we do praises God.
This doesn't mean I live a holy and blameless life but it does mean that every good decision and every bad, every cup of coffee on the fly and shared cake in the office, every short word, wrong decision, celebration and bereavement: each and every part of life, both in and out of work, is offered to God.

Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread.
Luke 24.35

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