Tuesday 4 December 2018

4th December 2018

I'm still getting my head around Richard Rohr's daily reflections upon the nature of the cosmic or universal Christ, of the mixture of Christology and cosmology. I'm trying to figure out how this is preparing me spiritually for Christmas. This is what stood out to me today:

Somehow the universe is an interplay between light and darkness...
...we fell in love with the symbol instead of what Jesus fully represented. To love “Jesus, the Christ” is to love both the symbol and everything that he stands for—which is precisely everything.

Precisely everything. Before all things, after all things, for all things. A creative, divine force, present in all things throughout the whole of time. It's hard to get stressed about Christmas shopping and writing cards whilst contemplating the enormity of that!

Today I was joyful at seeing my friends and fellow curates, I was thankful for the education and training opportunities I've had and I felt helpless drawing up the work rotas that I can't give everyone amazing shifts.

Because you are precious in my sight, and honoured, and I love you.
Isaiah 43.4

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