Tuesday 12 March 2013

Care For Your Friends more

Anyone who ever expects to receive a birthday card through the post from knows that I can sometimes...or all the time...be a little, well...after the fact. This isn't just limited to birthdays- I seem to be tardy with anything that requires the use of the postal service. I have no idea why.
Today's task was something I've already attempted to do for 2013- make a list of everyone's birthdays and remember to send cards. I've purchased a lovely birthday book from Paperchase (any excuse to purchase stationery items) and everyone's birthday has been noted- a couple of people may even be able to confirm receiving cards within a few days of their birthday (Sarah..?). Yay me!
I also today finally completed my phone a friend task (phones, along with the postal system, are my achilles heel) and was so happy that I did! I spoke to a friend who's been unwell for several months and it was lovely to speak to her.
I asked the kids to find out their best friend's birthdays- we'll see in the morning if they did.

1 Thessalonians 3:12
And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we abound in love for you.

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