Wednesday 4 December 2013

Let them sing out their joy for ever.

Psalm 5:12
"But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them sing out their joy for ever."

Taking Lucy for her walk tonight I realised that our road has turned into a Christmas wonderland of twinkling lights- they must think the Grinch lives in our dark little corner, not a family who fully embrace Christmas but are trying to spiritually prepare for it.
The truth is that with working, studying and trying to complete assignments I've not had a moment to think about decorations. I had a day of leave today just to try and catch up on the housework!

The children had their first choir rehearsal this evening, Jacob was a little lost in the technicalities but Faith loved it- seeing how all the different parts of the choir come together. It was a real eye opener for me to see the work and preparation involved to produce our beautiful musical Christmas services- and I felt so proud that my kids were part of that. Music is a massive part of my Advent. The Christmas CD gets it's first airing as soon as we leave church on Advent Sunday, the Christmas songs get loaded onto my ipod, Carols From Kings plays as we decorate the tree and The Lancashire Hotpots Christmas album has to be played on Christmas Day! Joyful music is a wonderful way to praise God- and what's more joyful than Christmas music?!


  1. Christmas music is my favourite music especially o come all ye faithful. Loving the blog. Xx

    1. Thank you Hazel! I'm particularly fond of Angels From The Realms of Glory.
